Creating Paperback book on Amazon
So, a few days ago I decided to create a paperback format of on of my eBooks on Amazon - Flat Number 9. It's relatively new service that...
Listing a free book on Amazon
It took me a while to figure out how to list a free book on Amazon. For other platforms such as Smashwords there is an option to mark it...
Audio book production...the journey begins.
Hi, I've decided to start a post about audio books, specifically my experiences in producing them...which, at present is precisely zero....
Creating a TOC in Smashwords
I have decided to write a post about Creating a TOC in your MS word story for submission to Smashwords. I had trouble with this initially...
Dialogue vs Conversation
I have read many books in which the characters speak "exactly" as they would in real life. This stems from the author's perception of...
Active voice vs Passive voice?
The flower attacked John. It has always been said that sentences should be written in the active voice as this creates a stronger feel....
Character vs Plot?
Plot is what you give your characters to work with...or at least it should be. It forms the structure of the story - but not exclusively -...
Participle vs Conjunction and Verb
He stepped back from the cupboard and pulled the door open. He stepped back from the cupboard, pulling the door open. What is the...
What stories have influenced you?
Hi, in my bio I have written about the stories that have been influential in my life, that seminal literature, overtly enjoyable but...